Che tra Wayne Coyne e Miley Cyrus ci fosse affinità si era capito già da tempo. Ma ultimamente la coppia di artisti ha deciso di sancire la propria amicizia/collaborazione sotto tutti i punti di vista. Ultimamente si sono immortalati in compagnia di quella che “sembrerebbe” l’attuale ragazza di Wayne, mostrando orgogliosi un tatuaggio che ritrae il cucciolo di Husky Siberiano della Cyrus, recentemente scomparso. Il tatuaggio presenta anche la dicitura “With a Little Help From My Fwends“, titolo dell’ultimo album a firma Flaming Lips e tributo allo storico “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” dei Beatles – Album in cui compare anche la ventunenne cantante Americana Ndr-.
Non solo tatuaggi però: Flaming Lips e Miley Cyrus si sono esibiti sul palco insieme ben due volte nell’ultimo paio di mesi, ed hanno coniato un cortometraggio intitolato appunto “Blonde Super Freak Steals the Magic Brain”.
This is the video we originally intended to be for a song that has a reference to the drug LSD
We were lucky enough to get a couple of hours with a bedridden Miley Cyrus. And even though she was still quite ill, she was full of laughs and great absurd suggestions
– Wayne Coyne
Lo stesso Coyne ha poi spiegato il concetto alla base di questo bizzarro corto nel quale partecipa anche Moby:
The video story is something like this: Moby is an evil, power-hungry cult leader. He wants the world’s most valuable (according to our story) psychedelic supernatural possession… John F. Kennedy’s brain….the brain contains the original formula for the drug LSD!!!
Miley Cyrus has the magic brain!!! And Moby enlists a nympho Manson girl-type blonde superfreak to go steel the brain from Cyrus.
She steals the brain from Cyrus while Cyrus is still in bed in a drug-induced coma. Cyrus finally wakes up and is mega-pissed that her BRAIN has been stolen. She enlists a burned-faced Santa and a lesbian Bigfoot ( that are hovering in a nearby spaceship) to hunt down the blond superfreak that stole her brain. They have a relentless pursuit, all the while Cyrus laments the loss of her magic brain and Moby gains powerful rainbows from hell. In the end, the blond superfreak kills Santa and Bigfoot and a baby mole ends up with the brain…”
Oh yeah. And the Flaming Lips are disguised as rainbows, mushrooms and flowers watching from the sky room where a giant diamond explosion happens