Daft Punk: ecco la scultura che li ritrae

I caschi dei Daft-Punk hanno celato per anni il volto del duo elettronico Francese: un mistero che ha contribuito alla creazione di due personaggi futuristici . Oggi però, vengono “smascherati” dal”artista Xavier Veilhan. Le sculture in foto, intagliate da un tronco di Betulla, sono state create utilizzando uno scanner in 3d. Le opere d’arte sono esposte presso la Galerie Perrotin di New York.

“It was a very logical response to my proposal: I proposed to introduce them as producers, not as musicians, and so after talking to them, we decided that they should appear with their civilian names. They proposed to me: ‘Okay, we should make the sculpture the non-existing image of us. So if somebody wants to see how we are like in real (life) they’ll have to look at the sculpture.”
– Xavier Veilhan