Sub Cult Fest 2016: La prima preview En Plein Air il 1 maggio all’Anfiteatro del Venda (Pd)

sub cult fest preview

From underground to overground: Sotterranei ed Everywheregigs propongono il loro concertone del primo maggio, che coincide con la prima preview del SUB CULT FEST 2016.

Opening: 13.00
Live: 15.00
Ingresso: 5 € con vino Ca’ Lustra – Zanovello

Wave – Psych

The Underground Youth blend the sounds of shoegaze, post-punk and psychedelic rock with their own hauntingly beautiful twist.
The creative project of Craig Dyer was started in 2008 and is currently based in Manchester

MONDO NAIF (Sotterranei)
Spaghetti Stoner

Monaco, aprile 2008. Treviso, oggi. Talentuosa predisposizione al maltrattamento. Stride e grida nel deserto. Pugni in pancia, budella in acido. Semplice. Naif.

Apocalyptic Folk

A mountain range that runs approximately from north to south through western Russia. And also a one-man band from Rimini, Italy